Non-Fungible Tokens or 'NFT's' is a type of cryptographic token on a Blockchain that represents a unique asset. These can either be entirely digital assets or tokenized versions of real-world assets. NFTs aren’t interchangeable with each other, however they can function as proof of authenticity & ownership with a digital signature.
While there are many good NFT's and many more bad NFT's keep in mind that everything that you know of will have some sort of NFT like properties to prove authenticity and to give some type of digital ownership, i.e. Music (royalties/merchandise), Art (authenticity), Sports (Digital trading cards/moments/memorabilia) Movies (tickets), Deeds (Real Estate), Licenses (Drivers/Pilots), Contracts (legal), Certificates (Birth/Education Degrees), Games (Video Game Console/Horse Races), Documents (Taxes, I.D/Passport), and so much more. The most important aspect to have in mind is utility. While some NFT's like Music and Art is the utility, others will have to be tied to some type of real World asset(s) to provide possible generational wealth.
While there is no guarantee that any NFT will be profitable, it is recommended that you only invest small amounts into NFT's that you may think has a bright future. While we do not recommend buying 'Bored Apes' or 'Crypto Punks' we understand that there is a market for these NFT's just like there is a market for Pokémon Cards and Postage Stamps.
We would recommend investing into NFT companies that aim to make real World assets like land & property into NFT's for record keeping, proof of ownership, and profit sharing without the need of any intermediary. Because it's on the Blockchain there can never be any misunderstandings or doubt of ownership for generations. Real World utility will always be a top priority when deciding on any investment in the Crypto NFT space. NFT's will be the new normal for the new generation and new Era. NFT collectibles will outpace the physical collector's market by a large margin. This is in part because of the free markets and Worldwide accessibility. NFT's are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from engaging in buying/trading NFT's.
-Some NFT's are like Memecoins.
-Some NFT's are like Grand Theft Auto 1 and some are like Grand Theft Auto 5.
-Some NFT's are like Beanie Babies and some are like Rolex watches.
-Some NFT's are used for money laundering.
-Some NFT's will age fine wine & whiskey while others will age like Milk.
-Some NFT's will become antiques that will be auctioned off for generations.
-Some NFT companies will be equivalent to Blockbuster in the beginning of VHS technology and video game rentals. The success and failure of most will share the same fate.
-Some NFT's will be like Artifacts & Fossils in a Museum.
-Some AI-Generated NFT's will never be as valuable as non AI-Generated NFT's.
-Some NFT's are more of a novelty item and some are more of an investment vehicle.
-Some NFT's will age like the Pontiac Fiero and some will age like Ferrari's.
-Some NFT's will be like Gold; many use cases, it will always be in demand and look attractive.
-Some NFT's will be like Hot Wheels toy cars. Some will age well over the years while some will only be worth the same $5 that you originally paid.
-Some NFT's will age like cassette & CD players.
-Some NFT's will age like Treasures found deep in an Ocean.
-Some NFT's are a joke with no real utility and some are the exact opposite.
-Some NFT's can provide you with generational wealth.
Check out these Tweets of what Mike thinks of NFT's. It's an opinion but you can draw your own conclusions. (Be sure to click 'Top' & 'Latest' at the top)
Bored Ape NFT
Have you ever read Ernest Cline's 'Ready Player One' which is now a major motion picture directed by Steven Spielberg?
Have you ever seen any of 'THE MATRIX' movies?
Have you ever played 'Grand Theft Auto V' online multiplayer?
The Metaverse is a direct reflection of both the book/movies and the game. The Metaverse is an online 3D Universe that ties together multiple different virtual reality realms. You can consider it the future norm of the internet and everyday life. One day you'll go to court, take your driver's license exam, meet with your doctor, and so much more in the Metaverse. The Metaverse will allow people to game, meet, work, play to earn, & socialize together in these 3D realms. The Metaverse will allow for creating a digital economy with different types of utility tokens & virtual collectibles as NFTs as mentioned above. A good example of the Metaverse and NFT's comes from our friends at Cobalt Lend. They are truly building something special using the Grand Theft Auto framework. Check their website out at: Paradox Realm.
When you think about the Internet, you think of ways of investing into it. But how? One of the best ways to invest in the Internet is by investing into companies that focus on the users of the Internet. These companies would include; Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook now know as Meta, Twitter, Netflix, to name a few. These are companies one could invest in to gain exposure to the 'Internet of Things.'
Gamefi will be one of the biggest utilities in the Metaverse. Gaming is big business especially with eSports and when you add P2E or Play-To-Earn with NFTs, that establishes authentic ownership of everything you own and buy; clothes, cars, gear, land, and so much more. The Metaverse will be a big part of everyday life and not just for gamers and those looking to earn money.
In respects to the Metaverse you will want to think similar and invest in companies focused on making Metaverse gateway platforms such as Decentraland and Bloktopia. *While we do not specifically recommend you buy these two projects assets, these are just a few examples of those building Metaverse platforms.
-Some platforms will have a nice Metaverse that will live on like all variants of RuneScape and some will live on like all variants of Pac Man.
-Some Metaverse platforms will be like NETSCAPE and AOL browser while others will be like BRAVE and Google browser.
-Some Metaverse platforms will age like and some will age like Twitter.
-One day you will have to visit the Metaverse for your most important things in life. Perhaps one day you'll be required to use the Metaverse to visit your Doctor or take a drivers test.
Surely you have a few questions by now. Don't hesitate to call. We can help you get started today.
Crypto Punks NFT's
The Metaverse